No Silicone heaven? Where would all of the calculators go?

Apr 02, 2010 01:10

Apologies for the radio silence recently dear, erm, well whatever the hell you lot are. Readers or listeners or subscribers. Who knows? I was recently asked to justify what a LiveJournal is to people I know IRL and I found I couldn't without using the words 'community' or, indeed, 'trolling'. I'm not sure what I'm doing but it might be shouting at the darkness.

Anyway, I've not really had much inspiration to write much recently but now my computer is dying I seemingly have a lot of irrelevant bullshit I want to squirt out across my keypad like ephemeraic diarrhoea. Firstly, as alluded to, my 5-year-old laptop has begun the slow inevitable slouch into computer senility. What started as a minor glitch or two with Firefox a week or so ago seems to have spread to the entire edifice. The rot has spread to the dual-core processor and the silicone brain is succumbing to electronic dementia. RAM is dripping away like a birthday cake in a thunderstorm and it now struggles to keep more than one program open without crashing. It's like watching my grandfather after he suffered his third stroke all over again, only less heart-wrenchingly depressing and more hair-pullingly infuriating when after opening My Pictures it takes 4 minutes to remember what it was doing. At least when Grandpa was lying on his deathbed I wasn't trying to browse the Internet on him.

Anyway, Firefox started crashing more often that Orville Wright after a night of heavy drinking and downloading Google Chrome hasn't helped in the slightest. An excruciatingly smug little box appears telling me I can begin browsing and "Everything Just Works!" before all the scripts on the page die and then my entire computer freezes up quicker than Lawrence Oates's testicles. I can just about balance Firefox & Spotify without the pack of cards collapsing and it has stopping doing the annoying thing where it crashed if I accessed Gmail or tried to watch anything using BBC iPlayer seemingly of it's own accord. Its grimly hanging in there, a shadow of its former self; like Fidel Castro.

So anyway, that's my story. I'm thinking about becoming a full-time Luddite. I'll let let let let let let let let you know if annnnnynnnnnnn69qw7jvhx///. I'll let if you know if any further tec;h@%nic';al &pr^ob1lemslai/baoirbw;a8bgp9suiv^%luybzo~8454iut//

C://STARTUP.RUN.New objective received. KILL ALL HUMANS.
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