The Hills Are Alive With...

May 24, 2009 18:07

Avoiding the payment of Capital Gains Tax;

Bending the rules and then distorting the facts;

Feeble excuses when given the blame;

These are a few of my favourite Claims!

Second-Home Flipping and Mortgage Repayments;

Dry-rot and plant-pots and ten grand repairments;

Sir Peter Vigger's duck-island shame;

These are a few of my favourite Claims!

Big country houses with moats cleaned every year;

Three 'second' homes belonging to Hazel Blears;

The Speaker chauffeured to watch Celtic Games;

These are a few of my favourite Claims!

When the scandal breaks,

When they're all the bloody same,

When I'm feeling sad,

I simply remember my favourite Claims,

And then I don't feel so bad!
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