Shameless plug:
legatasticThis is one of my best friends' new legacy, and it's really funny so far. I recommend you all take a look at it. And now, for the legacy...
Samantha: My husband is so hot in his pajamas walking away from the baby room!
Julien: Do I smell food...?
Samantha does this ALL THE TIME but I was never able to get a picture of it. Just pounds her fists together and walks along. In this picture, she looks a bit like she has to crap, but ANYWAY.
Samantha: YAY SNOW OMG SNOW YAAAAY OMGWTFBBQ!!11!!1one *spasm*
(Yes, I realize she's in her work clothes and last time she wasn't. There's a lot of skipping around time in this chapter, I hope you don't mind.)
Uh, is it even possible to be enemies with a baby?
Penguin/Dateflowersthat'vebeenthereforever OTP.
Samantha: My husband is so hot when he's thinking of cannibalizing our child!
Julien then goes out and greets awesomeoldmancat who, unfortunately, didn't join the family. ):
And then Samantha brings this unfortunately-faced woman home from work.
In other news, Jeremiah grew up! (Ignore the fugly hair, please.) His personality is 7/6/9/4/1. Um, wow.
A fire is started by Julien (don't be fooled by Samantha standing right there, hand half-engulfed in flames). Uh, don't you two have high cooking skill?
Pop goes the Samantha!
Fugly repoman comes and steals the sink. Stupid repoman, doesn't he know sims NEVER pay their bills?
Julien is so excited to be potty-training Jerm. Really.
Uh. Yeah. Pregnancy bites. Sorry, Sam.
Julien: Jeremiah is in my way of giving Jeremiah a bottle!!
The pregnancy is just as hard on Julien as it is on Sam. They should put him on maternity leave.
POP the second. Uh, yeah, I missed the actual POP.
Samantha is sick (stupid roaches), and majorly contorts her face as she coughs. Um, okay.
LOOK AT THIS KITCHEN. Would you believe that it's owned by two neat sims? Yeah, I wouldn't either.
Hee. I love the exterminator car.
And then Jerm grows up! Yeah, I have hardly any pictures of him as a toddler. He's cute! He might not grow into his features as well later, but we'll see.
Clearly, Jeremiah doesn't have his father's cooking skills (Though if it's a cooking skill or a fetish for food is up in the air).
Julien gets his internet predator on.
Jerm plays with his dolls like the good little gay boy he is.
Baby time! (As usual, Julien is paying LOTS of attention as seen by the background)
Aaand it's a baby girl! Her name's Madeline. She has all of her brother's coloring.
Then the repoman comes again and takes Jerm's oven. Ugh.
Samantha: Wanna come watch TV with us?! :D
... Having a child qualifies as a 'so-so week'?
Jeremiah is a VERY ANGRY CHILD
... Or a very bipolar child, either way.
Yeah, bipolar. Definitely bipolar...
Smustling ftw.
Oh, please, you got a B.
He's making two male dolls kiss. See, what'd I tell ya...
Madeline grows up to be very gender-confused. Oh, and she has the EXACT SAME PERSONALITY as her brother.
There, that's better. She's actually pretty cute (and doesn't look exactly like Jerm, surprisingly), although that small upper lip is a bit worrisome.
Samantha is ANGRY and STINKY
Jeremiah is ALSO ANGRY but not quite as stinky. Like mother, like son...
Samantha gets some new threads because... I dunno, I felt like it. I DO WHA' I WAN'
Julien: Congrats on having sex with me! We should totally do it again *HINTHINTHINT*
And then this weird Star Trek-convention geek came over and told Sam she could get onto the gaming lot now. Um, okay.
Jeremiah: Mom, will I get a pretty ring someday?
Samantha: No, sweetie. Gay marriages aren't legal at the moment!
Jeremiah: ...
Madeline gets her groove on.
And is then potty-trained! W00t. (Again, Julien is thrilled)
And she grows up sometime thereafter (nothing interesting happened in-between). She's pretty cute, but again, that upper lip - or lack thereof - worries me... And besides, I'm biased towards Jeremiah. *Cough*
...And then she passes out.
And right after, Samantha starts a fire.
Oh, this is going to be a great legacy.