'Kay guys, veeeery quick update because I need you to vote in the heir polls!
WARNINGS: Language, innuendo, large images...the usual.
This chapter starts off with "Omg Adrian is such a good father".
I got bored with Addison being a toddler and aged her up.
She looks a lot like Alexander, as I thought she would. But she's still got a uniqueness about her.
Madison wanted to have another baby. UM NO KTHX
You can def. see the difference here.
Madison reads some, apparently, very raunchy smut.
(+10 points for Jesus-lovin' in the background!)
I grew up Abigail, too, 'cause I was bored. Um, hello, big-eyes.
His personality is 2/3/9/10/5.
...I grew him up again, because I wanted the kids to all be around the same age. I know, I know, shame on me.
I dunno...He's cute, but there's something weird about his face. I guess I'll wait it out and see how he looks as a teenager.
Abi is, as well, in the League of Jesus-Freaks.
Jesus got glitched and I had to delete him. D:
But as is his custom, Jesus rose from the dead~! :D
...Abi has pink pajamas. I lol'd.
Addison brought creepy-girl-who-won't-leave-the-Orwells-alone home...
...Alex brought this girl...
...And Abi brought this THING. I guess androgynous people need to stick together.
I'm happy to report that Addison has also joined the League of Jesus-Freaks.
This guy who I haven't seen since Madison went out to find a potential spouse showed up to take both creepy-girl-who-can't-leave-the-Orwells-alone and the redheaded-girl home. Um, okay, rapist.
Both Abi and Addison wanted a dog, so I got Maxx.
Within MINUTES, Adrian had his third mental breakdown. This time, it's because I invited the headmaster, and he had a glitch where he didn't like a goddamn thing.
Abigail: FUCK YOU.
Addison got an A- and thinks her parents actually, yanno, give a shit. HINT: They don't.
Alex grew up. SEXY. Perhaps the possible heir? :O He rolled Fortune, by the way (/'o'/ Money, money, moooon-ayyy.../'o'/). His turn-ons are fitness and glasses, and his turn-off is hats.
I grew up Addie because I want all the kids to go to college together.
She's...okay. Looks kinda alien-ish. She rolled Knowledge. Her turn-ons are fitness and swim-suits, turn-off black hair.
Our own closet transvestite also grew up.
He's cute! He rolled Romance. His turn-ons are stink and cologne, his turn-off is hats.
I know this was unusually short, but I'm going to end the chapter here. WHO WILL BE HEIR?! O: Well, just go down thurr and cast your vote!
Poll Heir Poll