Rumors (Snupin) - An Ancient Rome AU

Aug 03, 2007 16:35

I found this and I had to pimp!

Author: celandineb
Theme/kink: AU
Warnings: pretty mild; see under the cut
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2900
Compliant to: er, nothing really, given the nature of the AU

Title: Rumors
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Warnings: infidelity (sort of) and hints at a scar fetish
Summary: In imperial Rome, rumor can alter much. Remus tries to persuade Severus to support the extension of citizenship.
Notes: Romans of good family had three or four names: praenomen, nomen gentile, cognomen, and (sometimes) agnomen. In doing a bit of research for the names, I discovered that although "Lucius" is a praenomen, the other familiar names are all cognomens; therefore to be consistent, everyone here is referred to by his cognomen or agnomen, which were often used as nicknames. *coughs* Anyway. The general political situation was more or less as described at about the end of the second century, but I'm certainly not claiming total historical accuracy.
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