-- Richard III had the pointiest shoulders in all the land, hence how he solidified his reign. -- As accurately pointed out, Henry Tudor was a Welsh/Japanese/Egyptian Nobleman/Common school student/Pharoah-god-king-man all rolled into one. That must make getting a passport damn near impossible. --Thomas Stanley was the gayest man who ever lived. --Rosenkreuz was as successful as he was because nobody wanted to fuck with anyone who walked around dressed in dragon garb. --Margaret Beaufort was *stacked* --Somehow, the English knew that the game would be so successful that there would actually be people from the future who would be better than they are at the game. I guess one look at Henry and they knew where to look... --Druids have blue skin. I'm sure that helps them blend in during the day. --WTF is going on? You paid for this game.
Comments 2
-- Richard III had the pointiest shoulders in all the land, hence how he solidified his reign.
-- As accurately pointed out, Henry Tudor was a Welsh/Japanese/Egyptian Nobleman/Common school student/Pharoah-god-king-man all rolled into one. That must make getting a passport damn near impossible.
--Thomas Stanley was the gayest man who ever lived.
--Rosenkreuz was as successful as he was because nobody wanted to fuck with anyone who walked around dressed in dragon garb.
--Margaret Beaufort was *stacked*
--Somehow, the English knew that the game would be so successful that there would actually be people from the future who would be better than they are at the game. I guess one look at Henry and they knew where to look...
--Druids have blue skin. I'm sure that helps them blend in during the day.
--WTF is going on? You paid for this game.
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