Mar 29, 2008 02:43
chest piece will finally be done tomorrow. whatever.
losing two overyly dramatic friends that want to believe i did something wrong to them after i have done nothing but been an amazing friend to them individually and even helped them with their relationship to keep them together (duh so i can fuck your boyfriend, duh) is whatever, too. apparently if you've been the comically over-sexual friend the entire time you've known them, they get to pick an incident and accuse you of being serious for once. if i was serious about that, then im serious about all the stories i tell about getting fisted in the ass. duh. DUH. at this point i dont even care if they realize how stupid and unrealistic they are being. because if homesons are going to think im capable of what they think i did then i dont need them. im an awesome friend. and im not going to let two attention-seeking morons make me feel differently. peace out, suckas!