Sleep is Highly Overrated

Nov 24, 2008 09:29

My slumber has become less a symphony and more a concerto... with Gabriel accompanying on Fussybabyphone.


He's actually fairly well-behaved.  He usually only wakes up once during the bulk of the night, to eat, then sleeps soundly until about 4 or so... after which he seems to have it in his head that it is time to be awake.  Roulette's workin' overtime to keep him more awake during the daytime hours, in hopes that we can alter his opinion on the matter... but it's been somewhat less than effective thus far.  Not so much an issue for me, since I get up about the same time... but then I have to leave, and Roulette's left with the fussy baby.  I really feel bad about that.

Okay.  I said I'd blog about it, so hear it is...

Gabriel Alexander Carl was born on 11/11 at 1:11 PM.  But here's the crazy part.  We were admitted to the birthplace center at Wesley at 12:52.  That's right.  Less than 20 minutes.  In-sane.

Roulette had only been having seriuos contractions for about an hour or so before we decided to head up there.  She'd wanted to be sure before we went because we'd had a couple of visits already, primarily regarding side effects (I'll spare you the unpleasant details), the latest of which had been only a few hours prior.  So... if you've had a baby, this'll make sense...  At 9AM, she was dilated to a 2.  Not even a 2, actually... the nurse just said that to make her feel better, since her doctor had said "2" just a couple of days prior.  When we showed up less than 4 hours later, she'd reached an 8.

There was no time for the epidural she'd ordered.  Her baby doctor couldn't possibly get there in time.  The resident ran down the hall just in time to catch him as he came out screaming.  There were something like five nurses in the room, running around like crazy, and I was instantly enlisted to hand them stuff and hold stuff... all while hanging onto my fiance.

Roulette's first words once she could breathe again:

"I... HATE... natural childbirth..."

Hmmm....  I can see that.


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