Some time back, my friend
Mike Corley approached me with an idea: He was drawing spooky houses, and he suggested that I should write descriptions of them and we'd put them together into a fake real estate pamphlet. I'd been a fan of Mike's work since way before I ever got to know him online, and had been wanting to do a project with him forever, and as anyone who knows me knows there's very few things I love more than writing about spooky houses, so I jumped at the chance. Thus, about a year later, Gardinel's Real Estate was born!
Mike drew the houses and sent them to me, and I came up with a suitably haunted history for each ominous domicile, all narrated by our estate agent, Cedric Gardinel. We printed it up ourselves (with Mike handling the lion's share of that end) and the result is a sharp-looking 32 page 'zine that we'll be offering in a limited print run of 100 signed, hand-numbered copies, 50 of which
just showed up on my doorstep today. Thirteen houses, beautifully illustrated by Mike, with words by me, including stories of witchcraft, hidden fortunes, accusations of vampirism, demonic portraits, a haunted chair, and several experiments of a "most unusual nature."
Gardinel's Real Estate will go on sale from both Mike and myself on October 1, just in time for Halloween. More details will be forthcoming then.