Well it has been an interesting trip this year, Ive only been here since Saturday, but have done and seen and I must say eaten a great deal. I keep forgetting to take my camera with me though!
took this picture on Paul’s phone
It is of the windows of a very cool shop that I think had a Nathalie Lete bunny head for sale in it as well as other lovely things, this was on the other side
saw this amazing Totoro cat bus just sitting on the street
and passed this doughnut? store yesterday, loved the doughnut chandeliers
Mainly so far it has been about the shopping and the eating. Canalles are everywhere it seems and they are very good, but here is the cake we got from Sadaharu Aoki, we have had some Pierre Herme as well but it got eaten before it could be documented*L*
Off to fabric and trim and a lovely rabbity themed crepery today, but here is a bit of the rest of the loot so far, MT tape
Nathalie Lete coathangers
and clothes!
my sock haul is growing embarrassing, these are the tip of the sock iceberg really
Looking forward to today, my back has been playing up rather badly, but a lovely friend arranged a visit to her Chiro yesterday so Im feeling a lot better, although I have a tiny cold and seem to have shared it now with Paul………..we will have to be careful blowing noses in Japan, I believe it is not the thing to do, so we will have to be discreet.
This is a crosspost from my new blog website at: