Dec 20, 2005 16:51
Looking back on this journal, I see many things. I see a young man, confused in his adolesence, I see a tortured relationship, and a failing family. The interesting part is that I do not really remember any of it. Well, I suppose I remember some of it now because I'm actually reading about it, but I don't really remember it's entirety.
It's funny what 300 miles can do.
That's all it took it seems, to seperate my new life from my old.
I didn't have the most enjoyable summer, although I have to admit that it was exciting to say the least. Alaska is such an amazing and serene little world of it's own, but I really just wanted to get it over with and to begin college life how it was meant to be.
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania... what a place. It isn't a huge school, it isn't a huge town, but it's my home. It's where I live and it's where I am happy. That's right, I'm happy there.
My classes weren't too challenging this semester (it's over now, and I'm home for the holidays), but I did get a good taste of things to come. Apart from my life of academia, I've made a few friends... whom I can easily classify and label. (How terrible of me, I know.)
Anyway, here's this list:
Oldschool friends:
These are basically kids that I used to go to school with, but don't really see that often anymore because of school. They're awesome, and I wish we could hang out more in spite of the circumstances.
Newschool friends:(hehe, I made a funny)
Alex was the only person that I actually knew before coming to Bloom, and am still friends with. Apart from her, I knew another girl who turned out to be a total dickhead. Apart from that though, I have to give her credit for introducing me to Gary and Ken, a couple of the coolest guys I've ever known. (Gary'll be rooming with me next year)
I'd be sad that this list was the longest so far, but these people aren't really friends, they're just associates really. It's bad, I know, but it's how I make a living.
Poker Guys
As it turns out, all of these guys (except maybe Jospeph) are assholes and cheats. I don't know why I put them on here, but I do associate with them on a regular basis, so I guess you could call them friends. (though I wouldn't take the title so seriously)
Anyway, that's it for friends really. There is Rosie too, but I don't think it'd be fair to list her amoung the previous. Our relationship is going well, especially because we only live maybe 150 feet away from each other now. It's been wonderful for the sake of convenience, but it has taken away that bit of excitement. Ah well, I guess you can't recieve without giving.
That's it for this port, maybe I'll be keeping this up throughout the rest of the year, but I'm not making any promises. Later people-