Well everything is goin well it's winter break my sis nellz!!!! is comign 2night form atlana wow cant wait 2 see her! haha i saw the weirdest movie lemoney snickets w.e it's called wiht kelli n her sis gali haha it was really fun! haha ghetto fabulouse clothing!pluggin our ears, wut's that guys name, who are the charecters wut are there names! olif josefeen! the bourjers, claws! the house that feel in the water cradle cave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the police on free way! over 25 cars!put ur seat belt!warning ahead traffice jam at 1 in the morning! CHIRSMAS TREE!some inside jk's from the movie! u wont get! lol soo....
Well i promised 2 make an update about u and dedicate it 2 you so this go's out 2 an amazing girl!
I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH! Ur such an amazing girl u have so many talents hope u dont let them go 2 waiste u have ur own pesonality that's great ur sucha cutie words cant explain how much i luv u my second mom! my lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u soo much my best friend leiann