Sep 14, 2008 19:29
Well hello my fellow lj'ers.
So what's new with me? My week has been on the stressful side, but I walked away with a lot more confidence in my interpreting than I did before. Like I said before interpreting isn't easy. And it can become very stressful very quickly.
I had a wedding this weekend. Which Marguerite and I set up all by our lonesome. CRAZINESS yesterday for that. However, we ended up having a freaking blast and her husband Mark is going to replace my breaks! Oh how I heart the two of them.. Crazy cats that they are!
Basically my week has been filled with job related things. Got to see some of my theatre going UML'ers including Cort.. DORK! (worked for Cheney one last time) Interpreted a big ta-do meeting for the new building we're trying to build at BSD. That went a lot better than I thought, and I finally got to go out and experience the PIP program! And awesome enough one of the place is right down the street from my house! So I get to sleep in a bit during the week.
Downside, is that I haven't been able to get to talk with my boyfriend this week. We have so much to talk about and plan. Like his time off, he needs to take time off in August for a wedding, and time off for his sisters graduation in June, and hopefully time off around Christmas, if they'll give it to him. I on the other hand need to plan two more trips out there. (maybe three) One being in April when his whole family goes for April Vaca, the other possibly Christmas if he doesn't come home. Plus I'm planning a vacation during February.. Maybe a cruise or something with a few friends. I'm guessing I'll need a break ASAP! By the time January roles around! Also I bought his birthday gift today, which is tickets to the Pats and Chargers game while I'm out there in October. He's never been to a pro-football game, so I'm excited to work all those details out. Plus I just want to know what the heck he's been doing this week!
I'm getting more and more pumped about San Diego, Megan and I call each other everyday with the count down! We both need to pay off our Flights, but we still have a crap load of time to do that. It's going to be a wonderful experience! I can't hardly wait!
Life has been pretty freaking great for me! I have auditions October 6th at 6pm for Meet Me In St.Louis! I need to get a hold of Lily, to set up some refreshers for my auditioning pieces.
Wish my Luck pupils!!