Let's Do The Time Warp Agian!

Jul 14, 2008 19:20


I absolutely loved dressing up for Rocky Horror Show... LIVE!! I got to see Craig, Meg, Johnny, and Christine which was AWESOME!! As well as two incredible shows, Little Shop of Horrors, and Rocky Horror! Sarah came with me and we had a blast! We both looked SMASHINGLY HOTT! And I totally want to go to the show again, just so I can wear my outfit! Totally have a great outfit for Halloween!! WOOT WOOT!

Anymawhozzle, I've decided I'm going to get my headshots done, alter my Resume, and send it in to Seacoast Rep! I want to audition for a few of their shows for the 2008-09 Season. Craig says I have a good chance, so I can't wait!

Also! Julia Cook, just asked me to take over her Acting Class, teaching little ones ages 7-10 acting! It'll be fun! She needs someone to fill in next week while she's on vaca, and then take over the class in Sept for good (ish). It's in Andover, and the pay is pretty decent. I don't know if I'll be able to take over the July class, but Sept seems pretty doable!

On another note, Mike is doing well. I'm a bit worried about his Finances. I don't think he's been putting much money into his accounts to take care of his phone bill, and things. It's like a downward spiral, because he's never been good with his money, and spent it on drinking, and things he didn't need. I'm hoping he's not slipping back into old habbits. Anywho last night was probably the worst for me, I missed him a lot. It's not easy to have a long distance relationship, but my fingers are crossed for the end of August. I truly hope after his training and schooling is over, he'll be stationed in Virgina. At least it's close enough to drive out for a weekend.

OH OH! Stephanie got engaged!!! SO EXCITED!!! We went to the Andover Country Club yesterday to check out the reception site, we both fell in love with it! Then after we went to go look at dresses. Totally looking and poking around. However, we have great ideas for dresses, and bridesmaid dresses! She so organized I love it! She's totally helping me plan mine, whenever that is! This is the first wedding I've ever been in, so it'll be great! I have a lot on my shoulders with planning the Bridal Shower, and Bachlorette Party. Good thing it's two years away!! I think I'm going to be smart like her and keep a binder of all the places, and things I'm interested in for my wedding so that when the time comes it's not going to be so overwhelming!

Anyways, Work is good, boring as usual, and that's about it. I really need to clean and organize my room! But other than that my life is great!

Hope all is well Ladies and Gents! Later Tater Tots!
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