
Jun 21, 2005 19:13

hiya girls....


ticket prices for any flight to nashville or huntsville are still about $500, minimum, for the dates i need to fly. unfortunately, due to extensive travel this spring and summer, i cannot take more than 1 day off of work for the reunion, and flights for weekend trips are heinously overpriced during summer. though i have been looking forward to the reunion for years, it seems absurd to use such a chunk of my vacation savings for a weekend in huntsville--even one such as this. i hit up my parents for help (frequent flier miles and whatnot), but to no avail.

it occurs to me as i contemplate this, that my motivations for the reunion are, in many ways, revenge-based. when i gave it some thought, it occurred to me that my delusions-of-grandeur, return-of-the-prodigal scenarios (as i have staged them in the past), while mostly satisfying (in a smirky, self-satisfied sort of way) at the time, are frankly embarrassing to me in retrospect. my life, my achievements, and my self-concept stand on their own and need neither the validation nor the disdain of forgotten members of my past to be upheld. it would have been great to find out what happened to the people in our class who i genuinely care about and lost touch with, but i hope that you both can fill me in a bit after the fact--and of course feel free to give my contact info (and my regrets for the absence) to anyone who asks.

my other primary motivation for attendance was, of course, a chance to see the two of you, but luckily i am blessed to remain in consistent touch with you, and if the fates favor us, we'll all be out here on the left coast at the same time for a bit before year's end--at which point i will gladly utilize a reunion of our own making.

until then i remain yours,
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