(no subject)

Jul 29, 2005 20:38

Some people are just fuckin pricks when it comes to ultimate...

Yeah... I suck. But if you have a problem with the way I play, sit me down and tell me how to improve. Don't yell at me from the lines and expect me to hear you, and ESPECIALLY don't take it out on me if your team is losing. It's not my fault your long is slower than me sprinting and when I reach to endzone I expect her to catch it (she is a long afterall!), not my fault two of your players are middle aged men who need two airplane seats one for each ass, and it's not my fault your stack falls to shit and you turnover, and ESPECIALLY don't send me to the other team give me some lame ass excuse about how the team had tooo many subs. I can fuckin count assholes... you needed the men, and I was open more than once. I shoulda just clocked one in the head on "accident".

15-4... yeah that's right you did just as bad without me. Bastards.
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