Almost, at times, the Fool.

Jul 07, 2007 06:10

It's days like today that make me sorry there's not more (or, hell, any) caffeine in my diet. I suppose, on some level, it's nice to know that I never needed caffeine to function normally, but goddamn if a Mountain Dew or Monster didn't perk me up a bit on those rough evenings at work. Ah, well. No point crying over spilt taurine.
The iPhone continues to elude me, which makes the one my boss has all that much more tantalizing. It shall be mine soon enough, however, and then I, too, may worship the monolith; yes, that was a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference. No, I don't find the comparison to a bunch of troglodytes demeaning. It's the iPhone, for fuck's sake.
We somehow managed to see Transformers on opening day. It's quite well-done, and comes highly recommended on a number of fronts. I shall have to make a point to follow Megan Fox's, ahem, body of work more closely.
I think I'm sick, which is a tad annoying. For me, going to bed early and waking up on time is usually a clue.
Well, I think this has been sufficiently trite. I started writing up a moderately scathing diatribe on the detriments of a world currency, but was too tired to finish it last night; perhaps I'll revisit that tomorrow and see if I can't present some sort of cogency to the world. For now, dear reader, you'll have to be content with this non sequitur.
[Exit Orpheum.]
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