Tweets of the Day

Sep 06, 2009 00:02

  • 01:20 Well that's Big Broover for another year. Off to bed now to try and sleep off my shivers. Night night twitterland x #
  • 11:49 Okay, so my shivers have gone \o/ Intended to work out this morning but got up too late, so I'll maybe do it this afternoon instead. #
  • 13:13 My shivers haven't gone at all, apparently. Neither has my cough. Gah. Driving lesson in fifteen minutes too. #
  • 15:02 Back from driving, and one step closer to my test. The lesson went really well today, so hopefully I'll do as well next week. #
  • 15:14 Gonna do my workout now. Try and make for missing it yesterday. #
  • 15:28 This distracted me from my workout. Luckily it's outside coz it's big and scary!! #
  • 16:29 That's the workout all done and I feel better that I've done it. Time for a shower now I think. #
  • 17:09 My two newest additions to my bat collection. Aren't they cute? #
  • 17:09 My two newest additions to my bat collection. Aren't they cute? #
  • 19:41 Ack, memory blank - who won the first series of X-Factor?! #
  • 19:49 I never realised that Barbara Windsor can't really pronounce her r's! #
  • 21:55 I can hear some bizarre explosions and am a bit concerned... #
  • 22:55 I'm now eating Caramel Cinnamon Waffle Carte D'or ice cream in an attempt to soothe my sore throat which has returned =( #
  • 23:09 The ice cream went some way to soothing my throat, but now it's gone =( #
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