Tweets of the Day

Sep 02, 2009 00:01

  • 05:08 Just got up to workout. A bit tired, but it must be done. #
  • 05:45 Workout all done. Feel good too. Time for a quick shower. #
  • 06:58 And now I'm on the way to work. Not listening to music today because I am going to listen to POA at work \o/ #
  • 10:22 Breaktime. Been listening to Prisoner of Azkaban this morning. It's been good. #
  • 13:05 Lunchtime and man I'm starving!! #
  • 15:18 Breaktime and I'm eating Seabrook Worcester Sauce flavour crisps. Haven't had them for ages! #
  • 17:38 On the way home. I've watched (sort of) Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire today, which passed the time quicker than normal. #
  • 19:05 I think I'm going to have some cake and then go to hockey. Yes. #
  • 19:49 At hockey. Changing room still locked so getting changed in the toilet again. #
  • 22:18 On the way home. Training wasn't too bad really but I really need to wash my shirts. They've been in my bag for about three months! Yuck! #
  • 23:40 It appears that my brother is talking to me again. That's a good thing. #
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