Tweets of the Day

Aug 29, 2009 00:01

  • 00:16 Waiting for my phone to charge before I can go to bed. Bah. I'm going to a party tomorrow night. Dunno what to wear though =\ #
  • 01:32 Finally my phone has charged! Night night twitterland x #
  • 06:55 On the way to work. It's quite chilly outside! I don't like the wind. Mainly coz it messes my hair up. #
  • 10:21 Breaktime. Eating a big fat scone coz we're having a buffet. Yum! #
  • 13:09 Lunchtime and I've got a plate full of food to eat. Yum yum. #
  • 13:39 I dunno what to wear to the party tonight. I'm going casual in jeans, but I don't know what top! Maybe white vest and checked shirt over?? #
  • 15:26 Just had a caramel KitKat Chunky. I think they might be my new favourite chocolate bars! #
  • 17:19 On the way home. Gonna call at tesco to get a birthday card and present. #
  • 17:58 RIP Patch. I'll miss you. #
  • 19:53 On the way to the party. Went with the vest and shirt in the end. Not that I'm really in the mood for a party now, but hey ho. #
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