Tweets of the Day

Aug 25, 2009 00:01

  • 03:17 Bedtime. I have the beginnings of 'rock neck', as @tommcfly calls it, coming on. Night night twitterland x #
  • 10:11 Just got up. My calves hurt and my neck's sore. Signs of a good gig! It'll be worse tomorrow no doubt. #
  • 18:48 Waiting on a train to Newcastle to see NFG #
  • 19:18 There's a person across the aisle from us asleep and has just started snoring! Good job we're not in the quiet carriage! #
  • 19:28 Here's the sleeping least we think it's a girl! There's a random drunk man sat behind me too =\ #
  • 19:36 The conversation between the drunk man and his sober friend is hilarious! #
  • 19:55 Forgot how tiny this venue is! Might not get any pics afterall =\ #
  • 22:44 On the way home. Gig was awesome! They played 25 songs and a lot of lesser known ones which was good. Not many pics though - light was crap! #
  • 23:52 RT: @XChadballX: - I'm not gonna keep posting set lists but tonight got outta control. 25 songs! Bam! - T'was great #
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