Tweets of the Day

Aug 22, 2009 00:00

  • 01:30 Off to bed now. 3pm finish tomorrow, woop! Night night twitterland x #
  • 06:53 On the bus, hoping today goes well. Leaving at 3pm and going to go pick up the tickets for Dewsbury! #
  • 10:24 Breaktime. Not long to go till lunch. Lol. #
  • 13:04 Ahh, lunchtime. Well deserved too I'm starving! #
  • 15:11 On the bus to the train station. I'll pick up my tickets then wait and get the 4pm train home I think coz it'll get me there just as quick! #
  • 15:52 Couldn't collect the tickets coz the card I bought them with was the one I had to cancel coz of fraud =( Gotta phone them up now >.< #
  • 16:23 My mam finally answered my message asking them to pick me up from the train station. At ten past four. I'm halfway home now!! #
  • 17:09 I'm sitting on hold to bloody Natonal Express. W£hy do I get the feeling that Sunday might go tits up? =( #
  • 17:14 Twenty minutes on hold just to be told I need to ring another number! Grrr! #
  • 17:38 Got the ticket fiasco sorted out. Dewsbury is still on! Woop! #
  • 20:47 Damn. Why does it take so long to download a movie from iTunes?! #
  • 21:11 Just put eyedrops in to try and stop my eyes from itching. Just waiting for it to work now... #
  • 21:20 Have Sophie's boobs always been that big?! They've never looked it before but they look huge in that outfit. #BB10 #
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