Feb 15, 2006 23:35
I’ll squeeze my goddamned soul through this loophole here. System works. Drawing blank looks. Ant eaters. These roles were written with us in mind. We’ll hide in the Cayman Islands with the other pirates. I will cut the head from every baptist, to set in covered baskets for the king. I will be the eyes on the backs of your necks, I will be the poison in your drinks..
Some of you are here to wrestle angels. A promise is a promise is a promise. First to fix the faucet wins a sovereign. Sotto vocce. Hidden hands. Race for Baghdad. Phoenix Lights. I would hit you if I thought it would hurt. At what point did I start deserving this?
I dream of a world where every man, no matter how small, bears a Coke
Advances in crowd control make up the basis of history. If I work hard enough I just might merit that letter bomb. Who needs forty acres when you can have forty ounces. I didn’t feel like a monster until you looked at me like that. Your kids are not the only ones with imaginary friends. Trick mirrors and fiat currencies. This country smells like a hospital inside. I went blind staring too long at a stain shaped like the Virgin Mary.
I’d like to ride around in the mouth of a giant pelican. I’d love to visit Egypt, uncover an old crypt, dynamite it. Down at the South Pole I’d put together a snowman that would outlast God. I wish I could shoot love out of my eyes and blow the universe into souless Buddhist smithereens. Well, everything except that snowman guy.
Monkeys eat bananas. Don’t worry, I’ll just be the Chancellor. Do you rock? Drop your kids and run! Peachy Mammon. Reagan’s Nazi Vegetables.
There she goes into her grave. Was she living? Was she yours? Was she always something safely ignored? Shades of the future cross your expressions.