Jan 22, 2006 12:31
My loyalties have shifted to my corporation or institution as the owner of my life, well-being, and energies; indeed as my real family.
I form ties to facilitate my promotion, to maximize my salary and secure my position, and thus my ability to purchase an unlimited quantity of ultimately disappointing objects.
Instead of making friends, he "networks". He attentds parties that are orgies of pseudomutuality designed to form shrewd "you-scratch-my-back- I'll-scratch-yours" alliances that further his own career.
He returns home to refuel for work.
i can't be bothered
His indifference to parenting cannot be attributed exclusively to self-absorbtion and the demands of wage labor but is, to some extent, a motivated indifference.
A useful deformity in a society where one must sell oneself to the highest bidder in the labor market and incur the favor of those who simultaneously wield the carrot of career advancement and the stick of unemployment.
The shift in expert advice from a rigid and controlling behaviorist orientation to an approach that counseled permissive indulgence of children reflected, as with most changes in social science fashion, the changing imperatives of capital and state as they consolidated their control over all of social life.