challenge 11: faceless

Sep 23, 2013 22:55


naushika - poisonfield - nyaza - raiindust

Okay so this is Challenge 11, Faceless.
You can make any icon however you want as long at the subjects face is not visible.
Go wild!

Also, for this challenge we're going to try having it at two weeks to begin with and see if we get a good amount of entries.

- screencaps source: here.

[rules]deadline: October 6 at midnight (want an extension? ask for it!)

you can enter up to 4 icons, post them in a new entry

in your post you must provide imgs & urls

the icons you post must be made by you, specifically for this challenge

tag your entry with the number of the challenge and your username.

you can use any screencaps, photoshoot etc... you want

the icons must fit the challenge's theme

If you have questions, just ask

.challenge post, #011

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