Mar 10, 2011 22:26

Colorado was freaking awesome, except for the .75 mile walk uphill back to my cousin's house where we stayed.

Here is our first view of the Rocky Mountains from the plane!

Our first view of the Rockies from my cousin's husband's car!

A picture from dinner at a place that had amazing pie. We are silly people.

This is the view from my cousin's living room.

More from the living room.

This is the eight feet of snow in the backyard. We sunk down to our hips before it packed down, but eventually we did manage to make a path through that cut about ten minutes off our time walking back.

Pretty mountains!

We did not go skiing as it was TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE, but we did go ice skating on the largest zamboni-maintained outdoor rink in North America! WOO!

Cutest little resort town ever! The road's fenced off because of the Mardi Gras parade. It took ages to get there by bus, but at least the bus system was free and it stopped snowing for a while!

We found a beautiful fluffy dog there! His name was Apollo. <3

The drunk guy who was harassing us on the way back from the parade. He kept asking us to go to a party with him, but seeing as we had to be up at 4 the next morning to catch our flight, we declined. We also declined a shot of whatever was in that bottle. It smelled awful.

My roommate, however, did accept the Mardi Gras souvenir he offered her.

And now the Malice I promised!

Mirana and alice sketch by lorelei2323. Cuteness.

AiW - 'A Queen's Champion' by metal-dragon-kiryu. Alice looking all sexy in armor. TOO HOT.

A Queen and Her Champion by Eiji-Akito-kun, whose art and fic I adore. <3 SQUEE AND HAPPINESS. There is nothing I don't love about this picture!

Mirana's First Vow also by Eiji-Akito-kun. Teensy!Mirana is just too cute! *cuddles*

One As Three, again by Eiji-Akito-kun. TEENY MIRANA. SO. CUTE. *squee*

Highschool never ends v2 by Eiji-Akito-kun again. I always imagined that Mirana would be a crazy pre-med bio-chem geek, but "art student" also works very well for her. <3 And determined!Alice is very adorable.

Just For the Record by hellsingfanchick. It just makes me laugh. And seriously, WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE WHERE ALICE IS RIGHT NOW?! NO ONE.

Malice happened here by Nanukk. I love this art style. <3

And now for fic recs!

Black is the Colour by niphuria . An interesting take on Mirana's appearance, and I love the last two lines.

Be My Supplicant
also by niphuria . Inspired by one of my prompts, "supplication," from aiw_porn_battle (I was a busy loser and thus did not participate except with prompts). Cute "how they got together" story.

Castling Queenside by quickstrix . Also inspired by one of my prompts, "this little game we play." A very in-character chess game between Alice and Mirana.

pictures, malice, fic recs, spring break

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