I just spent the last four hours narrowing about two thousand songs down to thirteen.
Do you want to know why?
I'm making an Alice/White Queen fanmix. 8D It's definitely a bit dark, as based on Anne Hathaway's interpretation of the character...
"She really likes the dark side, but she’s so scared of going too far into it that she’s made everything appear very light and happy. But she’s living in that place out of fear that she won’t be able to control herself."
this interview (check out that awesome picture at the top. 'I just spat in this; now drink it!' =D ...oh, Mirana, ILY. <3)
I'm currently trying to decide if I should keep both Evanescence songs and the Sirenia song in there... They definitely bring a hugely twisted tone to the White Queen that wasn't so apparent in the movie, but... I dunno. It kinda fleshes out her character a little.
But don't worry; there's definitely some sweet fluffyness. <3 I love me my fluff.
All I have to do now is come up with a title and make cover art.