Tagged by darling
ayekastarExplain your LiveJournal name and its meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name.
Otaku is a word that means extremely obsessed about something, normally anime or something anime-related. I was a huge Rurouni Kenshin fan back in the day and Kenshin's catchphrase is 'oro!' so... I combined the two and became the Orotaku. Despite my Kenshin-fandom fading a bit, I still use it. ...And still use 'oro' on occasion.
I now tag...
arkanefyrespookydeucequeensimiagokubeanayame_maidenmelodies36zimdanen And if you've been tagged before then, um... sorry. I suck at keeping up with things.
Edit: Ayeka tagged Kai so I figured I'd tag someone else. >_>