Jan 02, 2007 11:29

I am not dead.

But my internet connection has died enough times to make Jean Grey jealous, thus why I'm a non-presence of late online.  A quick recap courtesy of my work computer, I'm too lazy to crosspost this to the personal lj.

1.  Christmas.  There was hoard.  Clothes, gift cards, opera tickets (yay), Justin Pimperlake tickets (meh), and an evil toddler aka Satan's (my) nephew that smeared weird (body?) fluids on my burned X-Men cartoon dvds.  I ask society again, why did we do away with human sacrifice?

2.  New Year's.  There was travel with boyfriend.  Then whored hoard.  Wine was consumed, clothes flew, the New Year was rung in and I was asleep by 12:45.

3.  In between said holidays.  While the connection's been down at home, work increasingly has consumed my life for the past month.  As a result-  there was hoard.  Hoard of overtime hours = overtime pay = good.  I also earned myself a promotion and a pay raise effective this month.  I get regular hours, my own office, and I no longer have to run crazily around downtown traffic after psychos.  This also may increase my online availability during the day for Pretendy Funtime games.   W00T!

4.  No real event actually, I just felt the need for another point.  The prior will definitely help with expenses come this week's paycheck.  Unfortunately, restoring internet comes second on the agenda.  Dog has a suspicious injury to her back (possible cause:  my Satan's evil nephew again) and needs a trip to the vet.  Afterward, I'll see about getting my net service fixed and proper adoration and adulation of roleplay pals shall promptly recommence.

5.  How y'all doin'?


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