the missing birds

Jul 05, 2010 20:59

i did these last year so they arnt really accurate on the finished stuff anymore but i wanted to post something. its basicly going to be a kids book about a hermit bird watcher whos made a book about the 'missing birds' birds that have not been included in any other bird watching book out there. anyway im drawing it now with no other full time or part time job to get in the way so im pretty happy with this.
also i recently got a twitter and flickr, add or follow or whatever.
my group blog is going strong to , check them out.

also uploaded some of the work i did in china incase anyones curious wat i did there.

im finding it pretty hard to write anything about my trip to china as it was quite long and for the fact that so much stuff happened, even on a daily basis out there awesome and crazy stuff was happening. i guesse i should of just blogged about it at the time but even that would of been long. so yeh, prepare for an un thought out mess of a blog entry.

the film i was workng on was being made by a young studio from nanjing(a smaller city 2 hours away on the train), they'd only moved to shanghai to get the film done and wernt planning on staying long. i knew that i would be going to shanghai but that was about it. they hadnt really given me alot of information about it, i even had to email them to confirm that someone would actually be meeting me at the airport.. lack of information and organisation would definataly become a continuing theme and cause of stress throughout the trip..
anyway, when i arrived i found out that we were to be working and living in a place not even to far away from the airport. no city scapes in sight.. i was told that it was basicly the same as the chinese countryside. still, i learnt to enjoy it there and it was easier to learn chinese as nobody spoke any english and we got familar with the same faces in shops and food places everyday. i made sure i got down to the shanghai center a couple days a week anyway.

thom, the director of the film. wsnt expecting him to be so young and also wasnt expecting to be living with the director.. taken just before we were booming around town on his moped to get my visa extended. chinese roads are about 10 lanes wide so its awesome fun riding around if you can stomach the death defying-no law- kill people for fun- traffic system. i eventually bought a pedal bike just to ride to work on. good times were had. i also got to visit thoms self-designed apartment. its fucking cool and inspiring. i want one.

the guy who was in charge of all colour work on the film, basicly my boss. i think he was one of the most talented guys on the film. if i ever got some work to the point where it was good and finished with he was say 'yeh i think its ok' i think he used the word good about 2 times. he also had an awesome way of telling me how to change stuff on my work. "more fresh feeling" and "more shining feeling" were my personal faves. ive got mixed feelings about the work so i wont bother talking about it. me and keith(the english guy who was out there with me) set up this kind of 'youve just wanked to gay porn' prank on his desk while he wasnt there. keith caught his reaction to it on a new morning at work. im just nicking this photo off keith

shanghai old town

my fave food in shanghai- yangs fried dumplings and sour noodles

after about 5 months in we were told that we were going to move to a new studio in downtown. we joked that they wouldnt tell us until the day it happened, (they being, the producer) going off of past experience. and we were told to clear our stuff out of the studio and we would not be coming back there. and had to do it on the day he told us.. i was at the cinema at the time.. i had to rush back after the film had finished and grab all my stuff..
all of my housemates and guys from work moved back to nanjing until the producer had sorted out a new place to live in downtown. by the time i got to the new place i found out that they had some money issues and wernt coming to the new shanghai studio anytime soon. there were already guys working in the new studio but no one who i really knew or who knew english.. i was basicly living and working in the shanghai center for a month with nobody to answer to and a bunch of people i could barely communicate with : ) the wheather also switched to constant sunshine.. it ws just perfect.

took this just down the road from where the new apartment was. the apartment itself seemed like it was in a totally crap place but a little exploring seemed to reveal cool stuff in every direction. there was also a massive fish market, some highstreet areas and a really long indoor market all really close to my apartment.

this was like a replica english style town i visited.. it was quite big though totally empty and weird. it seemed to be only used for people taking wedding photos. the buildings were all empty.

saw these kids strolling around on the same day some korean pop bad did an appearence at a local shopping area.. girls were screaming, crying and going completely mental.

i never want to work for that company again as long as i live but i enjoyed everything else about shanghai so much and in the end felt like i made it my own and i just feel compelled to go back there..just dont ask me when.
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