Back from WisCon and redeposited in the real world. The con is in my own city so it's not like I left... but I feel like I just spent three days in a wonderful utopia, and it pains me so very much to have had to leave. Wiscon is a three day home. I've never felt so perfectly comfortable as when I'm at a panel about race representation in the Agent Carter series, or a panel about why Mars captures our narrative imagination, or at a sing-a-long, cross fandom vidparty that celebrates women in media. Surrounded by a thousand misfits.
Things I loved in no particular order, realizing I'm still sleep deprived and forgetting things:
- Pronoun stickers to put on your name badge. They had every configuration under the sun, and would happily print out something specific on request (they, zi, he, she, prefers not to choose etc.)
- Social interaction cards to put in your badge if desired/helpful (red = don't talk to me right now, thanks!; yellow = I'm open to talking but let me approach you; green = i'd love to chat but might be shy or have anxiety, please approach me!)
- The Tiptree Award sing along
- Alaya Dawn Johnson and Kim Stanley Robinson as guests of honor. Alaya's speech actually made me cry. Her contributions to the "Not Another Race Panel" cracked me up completely (she put the image of a CareBare/Harry Potter crossover in my mind that I will never be able to unsee... for better or for worse)
- Meeting Saathi1013 from the interwebs
- Meeting her husband, who had flowers woven into his beard and hair. A+ to you, sir.
- Meeting two other new friends of a mutual friend who I'm hooking up to play boardgames with next week
- Bitching for a solid hour and a half with two dozen angry and beautiful feminists on why we feel the disney princess franchise has failed us
I miss Wiscon already. I'm homesick (heartsick) for it in a way I didn't think was possible.