Washed My Keyboard - FINALLY

Apr 11, 2007 11:42

I'm at my office keyboard 6+ hours a day, and a lot of other people are at it as well. My system is the only one that can access our large-file-upload FTP, our artwork email account, and can run the USPS internet postage (the 5.5" x 8.5" thermal printer is directly hooked up). As well, the office cats have free reign of the place, and seem to enjoy my desk, as evidenced by all the fur. Althought I'm careful, I eat all my lunches at my desk, so crumbs are probably still a problem.

After several years, I finally took the time to wash my keyboard. I submerged the sucker in warm water, and used dish soap and a soft brush to scrub in between the keys. I then submerged it for a few minutes, rinsed it vigorously with the hand-sprayer and let it dry for 48 hours. This baby is like new! Keys are nice and springy/clicky, it looks great, and still smells lemony-fresh.

I've washed most of my dome-switch and dome-membrane keyboards, with excellent results, but I haven't had the nerve to wash my prized IBM buckling-spring keyboard that I've since donated to my folks (who take great care of it). I'm still nervous of water getting trapped in the spring-chamber and damaging them. I'd hate to wreck that keyboard, because it's so much fun to type on with it's clickyness.

business, misc

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