Everybody knows the old "song title" meme where you pick one musical act and use their song titles to describe yourself. Well, I've done one better and psycho-analyzed my roommate
suburbaknght. Enjoy the results or I'll fscking brain you with a tetsubo.
Choose a band/artist and answer in song TITLES by that band: Electric Six
Are you female or male: Future Boys
Describe yourself: I'm the Bomb
How do some people feel about you: Mr. Woman
How do you feel about yourself: Dance Epidemic
Describe an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend: She's White
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Rock and Roll Evacuation
Describe where you want to be: Dance-A-Thon 2005
Describe what you want to be: Dance Commander
Describe how you live: Pulling the Plug on the Party
Describe how you love: Naked Pictures (of Your Mother)
Share a few words of wisdom: The Future is In the Future