Hmm... I'm thinking about it... how much would you like to sell it for? I know a few people who are going but I'm still weighing whether or not I can make it either. ;___; Friday traffic will be NASTY so I may run late or not be able to make it out that far. Chuuuu....
Aoh okay... I figured it was around there... Um... Can you give me until the end of Saturday to call you or something? My cell is 504-650-0589, I don't have your number. I need to ask a few people who live close to Dallas to see if I can meet up with them or something or ask them how the traffic is or how the time frame will work. Gah, why couldn't the concert be on a weekend? ;___;
AAAAAGH!!!! ::checks time:: I can't make it that far with traffic!!!
I'm so sorry, Mike ;_____; I'm going to go dig a little trench and curl up and die in it now... ;_______; Gosh darn all these people living between Fort Worth and Dallas!!!
Thanks for holding on to the ticket for me though. I hope whoever does go has a wonderful time. ;____;
Did you ever name the squirrel?
Hey, are you still selling the FF concert ticket?
And I will most likely be selling it. How soon would you need to know?
I appreciate it, Mike, thanks!
I'm so sorry, Mike ;_____; I'm going to go dig a little trench and curl up and die in it now... ;_______; Gosh darn all these people living between Fort Worth and Dallas!!!
Thanks for holding on to the ticket for me though. I hope whoever does go has a wonderful time. ;____;
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