Mar 25, 2004 17:33
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life came out a week earlier than I thought, so I've been playing that since I've come back from spring break. I don't feel its as good as its GBA counterpart, HM: Friends of Mineral Town, but it still eats away time just as easily. So I'm currently in the midst of playing both of them :D
Hirsch brought up his brother's Virtual Boy, and it is totally badass. He has three games, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer, and Mario Tennis. Teleroboxer is easily my favorite, I feel it's the true successor to Super Punch Out. I'm a total badass at it now, I can easily beat it in a straight no-loss run through. I want to buy it off of his brother, but Hirsch says he doesn't even know he still has it and Hirsch wants to keep it for himself. That means I'm going to look into getting my own and all of the 12 or so games that came out for it.
It seems the new game market is going to be slow for a little awhile now. I think I have enough games to hold me over though.