Feb 20, 2004 00:40
I bought Otogi: Myth of Demons the other day and have been playing it a lot. It's a third-person action game similar to Shinobi or Devil May Cry, but with RPG elements like equipable weapons, magic, and accessories, along with gold to spend and experience to gain. You basically have two life bars, a normal damage taken life bar, and a magic bar, which are both refilled my killing enemies or finding powerups. The magic bar is slowly depleted as time passes, and can only be refilled by killing more enemies or finding those power-ups. This adds a sense of urgency to your missions, and force you to chose what goals you wish to complete each level. You go around the levels killing enemies and fulfilling objectives, usually in the form of "destroy this" or "kill X boss", but there are several factors determining your end of level score. First of course, is time spent and enemies killed, but it also has a ranking score for the destruction you wrought in the level. Most of the free standing objects in the level can be destroyed, sometimes releasing spirits that had been trapped within them. After the level is cleared, your scores will determine if you get any new weapons or items, depending on factors such as time spent, spirits released, or your highest combo. I'm having a lot of fun with this system, constantly trying to destroy the terrain by focusing my attack to knock enemies into destructible pillars to save me time, or deciding wether I want a spell that hurts the enemies more or the area around them more. And besides all that, it's a very beautiful game, with wonderful lighting, sound effects, and music, along with some pretty good level design. Sadly, the camera can be an issue, as you often find yourself dashing ahead towards the camera, running into enemies before you can move the camera around to let you see them. The lock-on system is pretty worthless as well, and is really only handy for aiming a spell. So yeah, I'd say it was worth my $20 for a new copy at Fry's.
I almost bought Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, but I didn't think I'd be able to get Hirsch, Chad, and Adam around when I felt like playing it.
I took my GBASP into EB Games to get a new one, not because it was broken or anything, but that my extended warranty was running out and I thought I'd get a new one anyway. I got another blue :D
I beat Mario & Luigi, which I enjoyed, but didn't like as much as Paper Mario or Super Mario RPG.
I bought Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and I play it a whole lot. It's a farm sim, where you spend your years planting and harvesting crops, raising cattle and chickens, making friends with the townspeople, and getting married and having kids. Right now I'm in the autumn of my first year and am doing quite well I should say. There's a really good chance I'll be buying the Gamecube Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life when it comes out mid March.
I got Metroid: Zero Mission and beat it the other day, enjoying it immensely. It was leagues better than Metroid: Fusion, but not as good as Super Metroid, though that might just be because of the nostalgia factor.
I'm still eagerly awaiting Ninja Gaiden, it's been pushed back for at least the 6th time.
As far as classes go, I'm caring less about Japanese which equals having more fun joking around in class, Astronomy is starting to get into the harder to explain theories (like the fourth dimension and up), History is still cool and I'm keeping up with the readings, I'm dropping Government because I'm asleep for 70% of the time I'm in class, and I hope to find out tommorow how I did on my first of 4 Rhetoric papers. I did an ad analysis of a Resident Evil: Outbreak ad :D