Kimimaro's still quarreling with his teammates, and although I ignore them try to mediate between them, I'm afraid I don't have any talent as a peacemaker. Instead, I've made them challenge each other. This is a much better way to deal with their anger towards each other and keep me entertained while I wait for Kabuto to come back with my vessel! keep them in top shape for any upcoming missions.
Moving Kimimaro near my quarters was a good idea. He seems more at ease, and it seems to have improved his mood. Of course, I've had to be very conscious of his presence, and keep the noise level of some of my activities lower than usual.
The time Kabuto has spent with the Sand and Leaf shinobi has given him some ridiculous ideas about weddings. Perhaps he had too much fun with his last mission, and has become attached to the idea of "holy matrimony". The thought alone brings me to my knees... with laughter.
Time can be your friend when you're having fun, and your worst enemy when you're waiting for something to happen. If hell exists, being bored is what it must feel like. But boredom only comes to idle minds, and mine is never idle.
Quiet meditation and private moments bring forth brilliant ideas.
I've had many quiet moments to myself lately...
It has come to my attention that the old witch Tsunade has taken one of the members of Team 7 under her wing. I remember and not very fondly that annoying kunoichi with the bright pink hair horrible fashion sense from my first encounter with Sasuke-kun in the Forrest of Death. From what I saw a few years ago, she wasn't very skilled, and I doubt a few years with Tsunade will have made much on an improvement. Still, my curiosity can't be helped. I'd like you to watch her closely.
It would break Tsunade's heart and mine, of course if something were to happen to her. I'm feeling rather generous, however. I'd like you to keep me informed of Sakura's every move. Every step she takes, I want you to be there. I want to know what she does, who she talks to. Through the two of you, I want to breathe the air she breathes, and when she sleeps, I want to touch her dreams. If she were to leave the village, you will notify me at once. It would be a good idea for me to personally watch over Tsunade's pupil and prevent any dangers that might befall her.
I know you have more important duties at the moment, Kabuto-kun, but with Kidomarou's help, this task shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.
Stop apologizing for failing me, Kimimaro. The best thing you can do is continue with your training and prove yourself to me. From the time we found each other, I've gotten nothing but satisfaction from you. We found something interesting together, didn't we? But now that our plans have changed, it's time to find another purpose.
Just like the last time, I will help you find the right path.
Kimimaro's power is no longer at the level I desire. Just thinking of what he used to be and what he has become makes my hair stand on end. It almost breaks my heart if I had one to think of the past. His body is no longer perfect, yet still beautiful and he seems to tire much faster than he did before his illness. There was a time when I knew no one could defeat him, when he was my most powerful weapon, and every task entrusted to him was a definite success. I wonder if he'll ever attain that level again...
That's my wish for him, my desire. I will do what I can to help him, while I have spare time. He's my student afterall, and I pride myself in each and every one of them: my experiments, my masterpieces.
But when the time comes to act, I won't linger in the past. I have so much to accomplish, and I cannot focus on a pawn when I have bigger pieces to obtain. I have a game to play, one I cannot lose; a game I will not lose. I will continue playing until everyone's luck runs out, while mine flourishes. Forever and ever, I will play my game.
I am eternal.