firstly, is still indeed long.
secondly, i had a whole paragraph in my head about funny things... but i'm too tired to remember it
thirdly, anyone who wants to play ragnarok online with me, go to and get it. it's free and thats a very good private server, they try their best to make it play just like the official servers... only without the fee. it's about 1gig download... but but... it's fun! :D
fourthly, i really should sleep.
fiftly, i'm going to christchurch on the 18th (this monday), i'll be there for 2 weeks, returning to wellington on the 3rd of January.
sechsly, anyone in chch who wants to hang out, catch up, spar, dance with me can catch me on my cellphone, 0211655620
seventhsly, anyone who adds that number to their phone should text me with your name so i can add you... otherwise i won't know who's randomly calling/texting me and i'll be scared it's winz or something.
eightsly... there is no eightsly...
good night!