(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 13:09

So I'm an idiot, but here's the first part of that huge-ass year-long meme thing.


1. What does your character's name mean to her?: Nearly nothing, unless you're talking about his last name. He's a little too proud/sensitive about it to know the whole story behind it. He thinks it automatically makes him a "good guy".
2. It's January second. Where is your character today and what is she doing?: Predictably, he is nursing a volcanic hangover. He's also bullying/extorting Shingo into nursing him back to health right about now.
3. If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be?: He'd be bigger, like taller. He's not even 6'0", and it puts him at a disadvantage when he fights a lot of people.
4. Describe your character's hairstyle in detail. Why did she choose it? How much does she care about it?: Kyo wears his hair cut pretty short, but the bangs are longer. He sometimes dyes it, usually dark reddish-brown instead of the usual Japanese black. He styles it every morning, gets it cut at nice places, uses conditioner...
5. What is your character's favorite physical activity?: Besides fighting and martial arts, of course, he loves rock climbing and soccer.
6. When was the last time your character climbed a tree? Why and under what circumstances? If she has never climbed one, why not?: Believe it or not, probably to rescue a kitten from a tree.
7. Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction?: Bad-mouth and/or PUNCH HIMMM.
8. What is your character's least favorite physical activity?: Crunches.
9. What is your character's favorite weather?: Dry, scorching heat.
10. What is your character's favorite season?: Summer, durr.
11. Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one
photo, what would it depict?: Himself, at his first KOF tournament. The winner, of course.
12. Does your character keep any pets?: No, Shingo's allergic. But he DOES regularly feed the ever-growing mob of stray cats outside the dojo. They're like his pets.
13. A very large centipede runs across your character's leg. What does she do?: Cusses, maybe screams, then checks to make sure someone didn't just hear him shriek like a girl.
14. What does your character eat for breakfast?: Way too much. Lots of high-protein, low fat shit and tons of water or a protein shake. Eggs for days.
15. What is your character's least favorite weather?: He hates blustery, windy days. Messes up his hair.
16. What is your character's fondest childhood memory?: Sports and stuff, probably, maybe memories of his parents. Nothing too out of the ordinary or dramatic.
• If your character were in the habit of keeping a journal, what good memories could she go
back and re-visit through that journal? Would she do so often?: He wouldn't keep one. He only keeps an online journal to keep in touch with people.
17. What is your character's favorite piece of artwork?: WOMEN'S BODIEZZZ I mean nothing, he hates art.
• Describe any pieces of artwork found in your character's home or office.: Traditional Japanese paintings, calligraphy, etc.
18. What is your character's least favorite season?: Can you guess? It rhymes with Winter - I mean - shit.
19. Someone asks your character to describe her family. How does she answer?: "Fucked up."
20. Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely?: Night owl, as that's usually when he's out partying/being a hooligan. His day goes from about 12:30 PM to 4 AM most days.
21. What is your character's least favorite color?: Pink.
22. What does the color orange make your character think of? How does it make her feel?: Fire, the fall. He likes orange a lot, as he's a fan of vibrant stuff, but he'd never wear it.
23. Your character walks into her home and sees blood on the floor. What is her first reaction or thought?: "...the fuck."
• Why is there blood on the floor? Whose is it?: Someone broke in/showed up to challenge one of the boys to a ~*duel*~. Shingo has either A) beaten the shit out of them or B) gotten the shit beaten out of him.
• What happens next?: If A), Kyo asks for details, makes Shingo clean it and/or kicks the person's ass a little more, if B), Kyo kicks the shit out of SHINGO for losing and then goes and beats the other person up if he can find them. He's a simple man.
24. Describe the outside of your character's home.: Neat, well-maintained, sparse, utilitarian.
25. Describe a typical birthday for your character.: He gets drug on a pub-crawl with about twenty-five people and generally gets drunk and disorderly. He gets lots of gifts, most of which he passes on to Shingo, other people, or returns for money because he doesn't dig on the "bling" fashion sense of most famous athletes.
26. What mythological figure best personifies your character?: That fucking... dude that flew too close to the sun and melted his wings or whatever. I forget his name.
27. What is your character's least favorite animal?: He hates dogs. Haaaaate.
28. A law enforcement officer stops your character for a minor violation. How does she react?: "Aw, come on, I wasn't...". He'll eventually comply, but he's not against signing an autograph to get out of a speeding ticket. >_>
29. What does the color red make your character think of? How does it make her feel?: Energy, blood, vital stuff. It's his favorite color.
30. A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How does she react?: Stops them and asks them what the eff they just said. Macho bullshit, violence, and/or borderline cruel mocking goes here.
31. What is your character's favorite animal?: Kitty cats.

1. What is your character's favorite beverage?: Water. Also booze, but not quite so much.
2. What is your character's least favorite food?: Anything made with mayonnaise or any kind of white creamy sauce. Just the sight of a jar of mayonnaise will literally make him dry-heave.
3. What does the color blue make your character think of? How does it make him feel?: "Boring shit". It's... eh, unless it's navy blue, he doesn't really care for it.
4. How does your character feel when he visits someone in the hospital (or other major medical facility)?: Intensely uncomfortable, guilty.
5. Has your character ever had surgery (or other major medical treatment)?: He's had his appendix, wisdom teeth AND his tonsils out. WHAT A BIG BOY. He also had life-saving surgery to repair a hole in his heart when he was a baby, but it apparently didn't affect him negatively at all.
6. Does your character gamble? Is he good at it?: Yes, and no he's not at all.
7. Does your character know how to swim?: Yes, and he does often.
8. How does your character feel about large bodies of water?: Ambivalent!
9. Does your character have any phobias? What are they and how intense are they? How have they impacted his life?: Kyo is frightened to death of any flying animal. Birds, bats, whatever. It makes visiting America or Europe quite embarrassing.
10. What does the color purple make your character think of? How does it make him feel?: Like a dick, pretty much. It's a 'girly' color.
11. Your character lies on his back on a summer day and looks up at the clouds. What images does he see in their shapes?: Bunnies and airplanes stuff.
12. A terrible crime has been committed, and evidence points to your character's guilt. He didn't commit the crime, but he doesn't have an immediate way to prove it. What does he do?: Yells and is generally pissed off until his innocence is declared.
13. Your character witnesses a terrible crime being committed, and he sees the perpetrator's face. He also knows that the perpetrator has friends in high places. What does he do?: Turns them in.

...j/k he'd berate/beat the shit out of them. He's got no perspective that way.
• The perpetrator is someone he trusts and respects. How does he handle this?: He'd beat the shit out of them judiciously for being such an idiot while also managing to have a crisis of conscience and self. He's multi-talented.
14. Your character sees someone get hit by a car; they're still alive but obviously badly injured. No one else is nearby to help. What does he do?: Gets all concerned and carries them to where help is, if he can move them. If he can't, he'd call for an ambulence on his cell phone and stay with them. Injured people trigger his "good guy" reflex; he gets all schmoopy and worried, even if he doesn't know them.
15. What is your character's favorite piece of clothing?: His 1980s Olivia Newton-John headband His antique WWII Japanese infantry jacket. It probably belonged to a relative of his, still has all the patches, etc.
16. How does your character dress on a typical day?: Baggy blue jeans, fitted t-shirt, sneakers. Maybe a loose sweater if he's feeling dressy. He alternates between jock fashion and stuff you'd find at the crackheaded Japanese equivalent of American Eagle.
17. What is your character's earliest clear memory?: Probably his Dad, teaching him how to walk and break-fall. When he says he was trained from an early age, he ain't joking.
18. How well can your character defend himself in a fight? Has he ever had to?: Hahahaha... put it to you this way. Kyo rarely ever gets into fights with "normal" people, considering he probably has first-hand experience of how easy it is to kill an untrained fighter when you know how to hit them.
19. Is your character introspective?: Fuck no!
20. How opinionated is your character? Does he like to share those opinions with others or keep them to himself?: He is reactionarily, knee-jerkily, and totally fine-with-that opinionated. He never thinks about what he says, and he WILL tell you.
21. Is your character confident or overconfident? Does he lack confidence?: Kyo is the epitome of overconfidence. You kind of have to be so you don't get eaten alive in his line of "work", but his ego is about the size of a large house. He's been rewarded for arrogance his whole life, be it from his Dad, from girls, from the fighting circuit as a whole... so he's probably never going to change, either.
22. What hobby or side interest is most important to your character?: Physical fitness and nutrition. He watches it like a hawk.
23. Open your character's wallet, purse, or briefcase. What do you find?: Yen notes equivalent to sixty American dollars, three credit cards, driver's lisence, a family photo...
24. Open up your character's drawers or wardrobe and describe what you find inside.: Lots of well-kept and pretty stylish clothing, hung up neatly or folded. He knows what looks good on him and takes care of it; appearance is important.
25. What does your character's bedroom typically look like?: It's a large-ish room with a hard gray carpet above the training hall. He has a cot, a few ever-present stacks of comics, magazines and DVD movies, an ill-used bookshelf against one wall, a TV with a game system and a hamper. There's an industrial fan guarded by iron slats built into the wall since there's no AC, and a metal bar built into one corner about seven feet up the wall - what he uses for chin-ups, or incline crunches.
26. What style of furniture does your character prefer?: Anything cheap that doesn't look like complete shit.
27. What style of furniture would your character never purchase?: Anything that didn't fit with his house, I guess.
28. Your character moves into a new home. What's the first thing he buys for it?: Cleaning supplies.

ooc meme

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