Top 7 Great Musical Moments In Making Me Feel Old
1990 (or thereabouts): I think this was around the first time I heard The Police on "classic rock" radio.
1992: Putting on the soundtrack to The Crying Game in my store, and having my 16 year old employee getting confused by Percy Sledge singing When a Man Loves a Woman: "I thought Michael Bolton sang this song!"
1992: Getting asked by one of the girls from Mrs. Oldfield's Boarding School For Incredibly Underaged Blondes if I could recommend music for an "80s Party". This was 199fucking2.
1996: Finally realizing that no amount of hype from a label rep could possibly make me love anything they were trying to push on me. I'd heard it all before, and done better, by bands the reps were too young to have heard of.
1998: Sitting on a couch in Atlanta, GA, with
somniloquent, watching VH-1, and turning to look at each other, as we both muttered those inevitable fateful lines: "you know, music today really sucks."
a few months ago: overhearing someone go on about how they love "classic" punk rock, like Green Day.
23 March, 2006: Grocery shopping with my mother in Safeway, and having Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones start playing through the store's sound system.
And people wonder about my morbid fascination with The Lawrence Welk Show