May Day

May 03, 2010 11:07

Gorgeous and busy weekend, which included a 40m ride on Friday, 65m on Saturday, and 75m on Sunday, giving me a total of 180 miles for the weekend. Links go to the Garmin Connect maps.

Friday was a bee-line out-and-back to Kimball’s ice cream in Carlisle. A strong west wind made the outbound leg a slog, but the return was fast and easy.

Saturday’s Quad ride was pretty standard, except I was the only person to do the Dinosaur hill. I still beat the riders who took the shorter, flatter “Mod-a-saur” route through Great Brook Farm. Stopped on the way home in Cambridge for Roopa’s picnic on the Charles.

Sunday a few others joined me on the Dinosaur, then back up 225 to Kimball’s, then Strawberry Hill backwards. Hence the extra miles.

Looks like I ought to be ready to undertake the mid-May CRW Spring Century this year if the weather is favorable.

ride report, quad cycles, club rides

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