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Jul 12, 2004 18:14

Well-o well-o! The PMC is a two-day, 190-mile event; If there’s anything that’ll prove that I’m ready for it, it’d be riding 190 miles in two days, which is just what I did this past weekend.

On Saturday, the usual 40-mile Quad Cycles ride expanded into a 70-mile ride (that also concluded with some massive hills on Trapelo Road and Park Street). Add the 20 mile round trip from home to Quad Cycles and back, and you’ve got a 90-mile ride.

Sunday’s QC ride was the same 70 miles, but instead of going home, I wandered around a bit. I went to Davis to visit iniren (and shower) before riding out to Lexington for a party. Then there was the 15-mile midnight ride home, which I opted to do on the completely deserted bike path. By the time the clock struck one, my odometer read 190 miles.

Yep. Although I didn’t plan it that way, this weekend I wound up doing the same distance that I will be doing on this year’s Pan-Mass Challenge. Of course, the PMC is broken up 125/65, rather than 90/100, so it’s a little different, but I don’t think there can be any question that I’m in great shape for it!

And yes, that was a three-digit number you saw for Sunday. Although it came in three slightly distinct chunks, I did a century yesterday: only the third one I’ve ever done, and the first that wasn’t part of a Pan-Mass ride. That’s pretty cool, too!

But after all that, my butt is pretty bruised (yes, literally), and my legs are tired. The real question now is how quickly I can recover, because I’m going to be facing one of my biggest cycling challenges ever later this week, and certainly also setting a new all-time one-week mileage record in the bargain.

Stay tuned for that story next!

quad cycles, club rides, century, night

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