Friday Five

Sep 16, 2005 10:00

Well, this one has some potential to be interesting. Let’s see what we get.
Who is your mobile phone provider, and how many minutes are in your plan? I actually just reevaluated my plan, and decided to stay with Sprint, since their service is generally okay, and a known quantity. I changed from 300 weekday minutes to a measured service, so I don’t have a fixed number of minutes, and I changed my nights and weekends start time from 9pm to 7pm.
  What program do you primarily use for instant messaging? I use Trillian. I put up with its bugginess and UI idiosyncracies in order to get coverage on five different IM systems plus IRC. I just wish their stuff was better written.
  Who do you send and receive text messages from most? At home, where I do 83% of my instant message traffic, Xine, Jeanie, Rhonda, and Sheeri constitute approximately 52% of my IM traffic. At work, Xine, Jeanie, Matt, Inna, Greg, Will, and Dave represent 73% of my usage.
  What area code do you live in? My location used to be 617, but area codes are no longer tied to geography in this area.
  What year did you first get an e-mail address and do you still use it? My first email address was a numeric student account obtained in the fall of 1982. It expired about a year or two later, as I moved from that limited student account to a “vanity” account with full system privileges.

1980s, trillian, friday five, email, phones, chat, internet

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