Friday Five #36

Sep 05, 2003 11:51

What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most? I can’t say I particularly hate any specific chores. There are chores like cleaning the bathtub or dusting that I don’t do very often, but they aren’t particularly despicable. Doing dishes by hand can be painful because most kitchens are designed for people four feet tall, but it’s still not something I hate. I guess I don’t understand why anyone would hate making their living situation more pleasant…
  Are there any that you like or don't mind doing? In general, I don’t mind any of them, for the same reasons.
  Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it's needed? I clean as I feel like it.
  Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules? Not that I can think of. About the only thing I am a little different about is that I keep my house much cleaner than just about anyone else I know. I can’t understand people who willingly choose to make a sty of their homes, as if they were still adolescents.
  What was the last thing you cleaned? While making this morning’s bagel, I finished an 8 oz. plastic tub of margarine, which I scraped the last scrids out of, then cleaned in the sink for future re-use as a container.

housekeeping, fastidiousness, midgets, friday five

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