Week of WTF

Jan 29, 2017 20:46

As an active blogger, I write about a lot of things. Usually, when I get an idea for a post, I work it until it’s polished and accurately represents my views before I post it for you to see.

But sometimes the words come out all wrong, and it doesn’t really fulfil the vision I had for the article. Maybe it’s impolitic, maybe it’s oversharing, maybe it’s just a marginal idea to begin with, or just too offbeat to put my name to.

When that happens, I’ll set the post aside for a while. I might revisit it in a week, a month, or a year… or maybe not at all. After fifteen years of blogging, I’ve collected quite a pile of these dubious articles that were never posted.

Over the next week, I’m going to publish a few of them. Partly to share a few of my less-polished thoughts; partly to clean out my works-in-progress folder; and partly to get some new posts up on my personal blog, which-as opposed to my cycling blog-I’ve only posted to once in the past six months.

If you choose to read these blogposts, I would advise you to reserve judgement. View them more as thought experiments than serious editorial commentary. I’m not that invested in them, so you shouldn’t be, either.

Just nod and follow the advice of the fiction writing group I ran for so many years. One of the first things they always told new members was: “That’s Orny… Don’t encourage him.”

writing, blogging

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