For three hundred and sixty-three days out of the year, our apartment is located a couple blocks from
Schenley Park, the second largest municipal park in Pittsburgh. But for two days every July, the park-and our neighborhood-are taken over by the
Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, a free motorsports festival that draws hundreds of racers and a quarter million spectators. And from our house, the roar of the action sounds like a big hive of extremely angry bees.
Having been a racing fan in a previous life, I had to check it out. There really isn’t a lot of story to tell, but I did bring my SLR and took a few hundred action shots of the cars powering along roads I typically bike on. In this case, the photos probably tell the story better than words could.
Here are a handful of my better shots, but if you like these, you can see a couple dozen more in
my PVGP Flickr album.