5 years ago:
In mid-2002, I had just been let go after seven years of work at
Sapient. I’d also just started my
LiveJournal, and was about to leave
for an amazing 12-day tour of Scotland with the
DargonZine writers.
10 years ago: 1997
In mid-1997, I had just finished a four-month stint of grand jury
duty, which was how I escaped a death march project at work. I had
also just returned from the first open-attendance DargonZine Writers’
Summit, hosted by Jon Evans in Washington DC. My father was also
suffering from terminal cancer.
15 years ago: 1992
In mid-1992, I moved from Shrewsbury to Natick, having separated with
my ex-wife the previous summer. I was spending a lot of time clubbing
and seeing bands with my buddies Barry and Sean.
20 years ago: 1987
In mid-1987 I was in my last year of school, and writing one of my
favorite stories, “Legend in the Making”. I’d marry Linda and
honeymoon at the
SCA’s Pennsic war within a couple months.
25 years ago: 1982
In 1982 I was about to graduate from high school, and was in the
middle of the first grand romance of my life, with Jean.
30 years ago: 1977
In 8th grade, I first read J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” and
began writing my own derivative story. I also was a founding member of
the New England Tolkien Society, and the editor of its annual literary
journal, Mazar Balinu.
35 years ago: 1972
In 1972, having finished 2nd grade, my family moved from Portland to
Augusta, Maine. This was the last year of my sister’s life.
40 years ago: 1967
In 1967 I was a pre-schooler. My family was living in Portland, Maine,
having moved there from Gloucester, Massachusetts, where I had been