Well here are another 100 fictitious indie band names. I think this one is the weirdest by far; there are a few sections in there that are truly obtuse. Also, in a few cases this list has the advantage of garnering input from people who are actually *in* shitty indie bands.
Crowley's Plumber
Dirty Toll Booth Agenda
Telly Sevalis Condor Killers
Botulism Lapse
Calypso Calibration Celebration
Nothing Like Nosebleed
Mr Thingy
Melon Collie And Soda Bear
Nevermind That Chupacabra!
Louisiana Wormhole Eliminator
Convicts in Candyland
Hopscotch Watchout
Everloving Funk Taxi
Them's My Toes
Bumpus Words
The camelCase Incident
Salt Shaker Butt Plug
Circus of Agitation
Nipple Nap
Tendency to Tinkle
Hydraulic Vomit Wife
Kansas City Autism Marathon
Bead Cord Green
The Hive Mind of Fabio
Ebola Lollipop Dandy
Addicting Chiclet
Leon Marbit and the Marginally Delicious
Horrific Yachting Wishlist
To Retain is Protestant
Have My Blot!
Immortal Bourbon Ballad
Standard Defects
Culver City Peccary Permit
Felony Butter
Dumpster Diva and the Government Cheese
Rage Exchange
Hot Melon Colon
Thank You for Being Canadian
Speedo, Chicken Mask
Holiday Disaster Songbook
Hispanic Toiletries
Slotted Angle Irons
Men's Lunch Series
Ikea Death Squad
Hooray for Hairspray
Husky Cactuspants and the Lone Pricks
Swallowing Swastikas (for Fun and Profit)
Mormon Pleasure
Veterinarian TV Dinner
Turning Blue for Bluto
Paddleball Parlor Inhalation Society
Apes, Fetuses and Guns
Accidental Disco Mode
Psycho Jet and Whiskey
Egyptian Pole Bumpers
Flocka Bitches
The Feminization of Rachel Maddow
Man-Bird Chimera
Unadulterated Annoyance Clearance
Zombie Camp Penis Pump
Genre Stapler
Moon Puckey
Visions of the Extinct Future
Asshole Lawyer Decimal System
Stump Wagon
Saint Toodlepants
Vagina Dentata
Ministry of the Luscious Corpse
Hibiscus Monkey Turnover
Tender-Tender Koala Meat
Shroud of Darwin
The Cock-prattling Stunt Lappers
Deformed Man Toilet
Meatstick Bonanza
Dedicated Popcorn Vacuum
Bombs Are Moms Too
New Delicate Gods of Tetanus
The Power of Piracy
Captain Glitter and the Dental Tourists
Fetus Factor
Gristle Frisbee
International Pussy Purity Board
Gasoline Trail Diamond
Something for the Chimney
Jurassic Nap
Filthy McManus and the Big Fleshy Toads
Fun Gun Sympathy Symphony
Goat Catheter
The New Charleston Chump Chargers
Butt Banana Support Programme
Bad Taste Triathlon
Erotic Origami