Oct 28, 2004 04:29
What I admire (and fear) is baseball's tendency to make a mere spectator live as though a participant; to believe one is an integral piece of the battle. The ability to make one sense that somehow the athletes and their movements, be they graceful or clumsy, would not be the same without your solidarity.
To feel that one is a piece of the team, of the game, of the season, of the championship--inextricably connected with the athletes and all the other spectating warriors at their side.
I am humbled that "we won" is uttered as often as "they won" by fans and players both
Baseball unites (and divides). Sometimes that unity is incredible. Breathtaking. Beautiful.
Tonight, it is my turn to reward that wonderful gift.
I congratulate you all.
to the fans: You won!
to the athletes: You won!
Red Sox World Series Champions 2004