
Apr 23, 2010 11:11

I decided to start doing homemade catfood because Davey has a sensitive stomach and whatever it is they put in kibble makes him puke. Feed him meat and suddenly he eats everything and doesn't have nasty poops. I was looking around on the internet and couldn't find any information that I would consider reliable, so I bought a couple books. One was good, the other was written by some crazy woman who spends the first half of the book trying to make you feel like Satan for feeding your cats kibble. Because you may be feeding your cat euthanized animals and PETA says so. Because PETA is a trustworthy source of information even though they're proven hypocrites when it comes to euthanizing pets in their own shelters. So I think I'm going to use that book for kindling in a pit fire. I feel bad burning a book, but I don't want to give this book to goodwill and have someone follow this batshit woman's advice.

While searching on the internet I also found that there are people out there who insist on feeding their cats a vegan diet. This to me is animal cruelty. Cats are obligate carnivores, there are things they need in their diet they can only get from eating tasty little animals. I've learned there's a nutrient called taurine that if they don't get enough of it, the cat will go blind. Apparently they make all sorts of special vegan shit so you can supplement your cats diet, but even then there are things cats need that they can only get from an animal source. If you're that damn determined to have a vegan animal BUY A BUNNY RABBIT. Or a fucking hamster. What the hell is wrong with these people?

I never thought I'd do this because in my mind it's river dancing for nerds, but I took up DDR/Stepmania. I'm tired of feeling like a fatass and it's really good exercise. It's also surprisingly hard. Somehow I assumed because I do well in audiosurf, Stepmania wouldn't be too hard...don't ask me why, it makes no sense. We spent a good chunk of our tax return on buying a pair Cobalt Flux dance pads which are supposed to be some of the best you can buy without setting up an arcade in your house. They are very shiny and they've made it a lot easier. I've found all sorts of Weird Al songs and obscure anime songs like the themes from Zetsubou Sensei and Gintama. I wish it were a bit easier to find some Jrock though.

I did another skills test. I keep applying to jobs all over the place but for some reason FDLE is the only place they ever calls me to come in. I mean, out of all the jobs I apply to, it's the one I prefer because it pays the best and from an entry level job I could work my way into a design job within a state agency. I don't know if FDLE itself hires desginers, but I know that several others do, like the Florida Lottery, FWC, and even the Public Service Comission where my mom is. Tiffany is also looking for jobs at Juvenile Justice to recommend me for. Which is nice of her since she's busy being a new mom.

I don't post often anymore because there's just not much going on that's interesting. I'm searching for jobs, working part time, and trying to sell things on Etsy. But life is good even if it's uneventful.
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